Greetings Friends,

I am Zorro, but you probably recognize me from my Fundraising column in GO’s newsletter. I am now here on GO’s new website to educate you. I don’t mean to imply that you aren’t very smart, but I can help make sure that you have a place to ask questions about things you have wondered about. If folks don’t have questions for me, I will take the opportunity to tell you about things that are important to me. You can submit questions by emailing: . I am very excited to be doing this and hope you will ask me about whatever is on your mind. I am almost 10 years old and have a lot of knowledge and experience, but please note that my answers to your questions are not intended to be medical or legal advice. That is above my pay grade. I Look forward to hearing from you!
Dear Zorro:
I love reading your Fundraising column when I see it in “In the Loop”. Best of luck on this new website initiative. I know you will do a great job! Can you tell me the best way for me to make a year end donation to Greyhound Options?
- A big fan from Wilbraham (aka mom)
Dear Mom: What a great way to start this off. You know how happy it makes me when people want to make sure GO has funds to continue their mission of finding permanent homes for retired racing greyhounds. There are lots of expenses that are incurred in order for this to happen – veterinary care, food, transportation, to name a few. But, you obviously know firsthand how much joy greyhounds bring to their families. I too am thankful that GO helped me find my way into our home. I’m sure there are many other people who have adopted my friends through GO that would like to make a donation to help the cause. The easiest way is to click on the donation button on this website! You should see it toward the bottom. They make it super easy for you! You can also mail a check to Greyhound Options, Inc., 43 Sczygiel Rd, Ware, MA 01082 . Or, you can mail cash to me. (Lol, just kidding!)
Thanks so much for your interest in supporting Greyhound Options. Year-end donations are the best!
- Zorro
Hi, Zorro, congratulations on your new gig! Can you tell me what the numbers and letters in U.S. Greyhounds' ear tattoos mean? Thanks!