Get Together Online
Sunday, December 11 at 7:30 p.m.
Does Your Greyhound Come From Ireland?
The event is free, but registration is required. register here:
John Parker, Coordinator of the GPA Irish Greyhounds to America program will talk about the history of the program, the nuts and bolts of getting Irish Greyhounds from Ireland to various cities in the U.S., and how interested adopters can bring an Irish Greyhound into their home.

Meet John Parker:
With the closing of most American Greyhound tracks, and the resulting sharp decline in the number of American racing Greyhounds available for adoption, Greyhound Pets of America has partnered with Greyhound Racing Ireland:
and the Irish Retired Greyhound Trust:
to fly Irish racing Greyhounds to North America to help meet the continuing demand for Greyhounds as pets here. John Parker, Coordinator of the GPA Irish Greyhounds to America program will talk about the history of the program, the nuts and bolts of getting Irish Greyhounds from Ireland to various cities in the U.S., and how interested adopters can bring an Irish Greyhound into their home.
John Parker is a 25+year Greyhound adopter, adoption volunteer and adoption group leader. He is the longtime President of the Southeastern Greyhound Club, one of the largest single-breed dog clubs in the country, and also serves as the Chairman of the Advisory Board of its Greyhound adoption program, GPA Atlanta/Southeastern Greyhound Adoption.
John has previously served as Vice President of Greyhound Pets of America National,
and currently serves as its Legal Advisor. A retired attorney, John provides pro
bono legal counsel to Greyhound adoption groups on legal interpretation and
enforcement of adoption contracts. John is also the co-founder and Vice President of the organization Greyhound Adopters for Racing.
He has written articles and essays on Greyhound history, Greyhound sport and
legal aspects of Greyhound adoption for Celebrating Greyhounds magazine and
Field Advisory News. He has also given presentations on these subjects at national
Greyhound gatherings. John has been profiled in the National Greyhound Association’s magazine, The Greyhound Review.
John is the founder and administrator of the 36,000+ member Facebook Greyhound
group, “The Greyhound” which is the largest Greyhound forum on social media. He also co-founded the “Greyhound Puppies” group on Facebook. In addition, John hosts, with his friend and producer Michael Burns, the “Greyhound Nation” podcast, the only general interest Greyhound podcast in the world. It is available at
For more information about Irish Greyhounds to America here's an interesting newspaper article: