Can you help cover the cost of Al’s medical bills? Al, who was known as Alliance Racer, during his racing career is a 1 ½ year old foster dog who came to G.O. in September and who developed serious kidney issues after his neuter. He had emergency surgery Sunday, 11/29 to remove his abnormal kidney and thankfully, he is recovering well at Mass Vet Referral Hospital in Woburn. As you can imagine, all his diagnostics and subsequent surgery have put quite a dent in our finances and we would so appreciate any donation, large or small, to help replenish our coffers. Donations can be sent to Greyhound Options, Inc., 43 Sczygiel Road, Ware, MA. 01082.
If you would like to make a donation with your credit card, please scroll to the bottom of the “donation” page on our web site, greyhoundoptions.org, and fill out the donation form. PayPal donations can be made at: adopt@greyhoundoptions.org.
We are truly grateful for your support.