Pa is a 2 1/2 year old Irish Greyhound who came to Greyhound Options in the fall of 2022. While in our care he suffered a ruptured disc from an unfortunate accident. His diagnosis is acute non-compressive nucleus polposus extrusion. He currently cannot use his back legs and it is unknown if he will ever be able to. As you can imagine his medical bills are quite high and he will continue to need more medical care.

Despite his diagnosis he is a happy, goofy boy that likes to do many of the things other greyhounds do. Pa enjoys playing with toys and the other greyhounds in his foster home. He eats well and likes to lay outside to take in all the sniffs and critters. His veterinary care team has assured us he is not in any pain. Pa will soon be going for a consultation for physical therapy.

Please donate to help Greyhound Options care for Pa and pay his on going medical bills. Click the donate button on the bottom of the page
How is Pa doing?